Guaranteed a Good Story
From getting frozen in the snow, to travels around the globe, there’s a world of stories behind every Tilley product.

Tianna, British Columbia, Canada
"Every August my husband and I head to the west coast of Vancouver Island to fish for salmon, relax and explore Nootka Sound aboard Lucky Girl, the wooden boat hand-built by my father. Built in his spare time over many years, the 22-foot cruiser boasts an interior finished in west coast soft-woods and features a small galley alongside a tiny wood-burning stove for those chilly early fall nights and mornings.
Having received his first Tilley hat over 20 years ago as a gift, my dad recommended the inimitable hat to his fishing buddies due to its superior packability, handy storage pocket and all-over sun protection for those long fishing days in the glaring sun. Bonus points that it was made in Canada. To this day, he still wears his original hat (endurable indeed!)"

Steph, Ontario, Canada
"It’s hard to find a photograph of my grandfather when I was growing up where he wasn’t wearing one of his Tilley hats. He has a collection of four Tilleys, but his favourite was his T3 Wanderer. He bought the hat over 35 years ago and never went anywhere without it!
If hats could talk, his would have a lot to say! The sweat-stained inside, faded colour, and the many dirt marks are what makes his hat beautiful to me. The hat can tell the stories of his adventures and hold the memories he collected over his lifetime. Truly priceless. Today, I honour him and keep his love for adventure alive by wearing his T3 Wanderer on my travels worldwide! Let the adventures and stories continue…”

Simon, Wiltshire, UK
“The Hat has been hammered to hell! It’s been soaked through whilst standing at the end of a race track pit lane, baked in the sun on a hot, hot holiday, dunked in the sea, driven over while biking with my local club (took me 5 minutes to dig it out of the mud).
It has been peed on by a cat, washed who knows how many times, frozen solid in the snow, chased down the road and caught by a truck, washed yet again, soaked in beer at a particularly fun party, danced on (we couldn’t find a sombrero!) and used as a Frisbee. The list is still being added to and the Hat looks (almost!) like new!”

Dana, Ontario, Canada
“Growing up my dad was known as Scouter Bill and famous in our small town of Thunder Bay for his Tilley hat. He wore it so much that there was even a rumour going around that we were Australian, because he looked and dressed like Crocodile Dundee.
Back in the early 2000s, Alex Tilley even called our house once - I can’t remember why, probably because my dad entered a contest or sent him a letter, or maybe because my dad was the best non-employee sales person for Tilley, constantly selling people on the virtues of the hat wherever we went. All I know is the my dad wasn’t home at the time so I took the message, and I remember being amazed that I spoke with the man responsible for my dad’s iconic look, and so sad my dad didn’t get the chance to speak with him directly - I’m sure they would have chatted for a very long time."